What’s the Latest Update on COVID-19 and Pregnancy?

A blue baby with a face mask on and some red viruses around it.

The good news: One person can be with you in labor and delivery but he or she will have their temperature taken prior to approval. Each hospital has their own policy regarding the temperature cutoff.

Not so good news: The 4/30/2020 JAMA article reports evidence of SARS COV-2 was found on the placenta of a 22 week stillbirth infant. The mother was described as having COVID-19. Although it was initially reported the COVID-19 does not affect the unborn, now we are unsure if this is still correct.

This is even more reason to stay inside and continue to wear masks outside.

Other things expectant mothers need to be made aware of:

  1. All pregnant women will continue to be tested for COVID-19 when admitted in labor, if not sooner
  2. The one-partner rule remains in effect. Be prepared to have Facetime or Zoom visits†with family members
  3. Be prepared to wear masks once admitted to the hospital and during labor
  4. Unless you have complications, be prepared to go home the next day
  5. According to ACOG, breastfeeding Is still considered to be safe but wear a mast while feeding your baby
  6. Expect fewer prenatal visits which may be via telemedicine which might become the “new normalâ€
  7. Continue to wash your hands when coming from outside

Remember to stay safe. Stay strong and if you have any questions, please reach out to me. The ob-gyn community really cares about you.



Follow Dr. Linda on Facebook | Order your copy of The Smart Mother’s Guide to a Better Pregnancy: How to Minimize Risks, Avoid Complications, and Have a Healthy Baby | Dr. Linda is a board certified Ob/Gyn and an expert in the area of pre-eclampsia and high-risk pregnancies. Contact Dr. Linda about an appearance at your next event or media placement opportunities.

Copyright thesmartmothersguide.com. Duplicating this content in entirety without written permission is expressly forbidden.

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