Six Deadly Mistakes That Contribute to Maternal Death: In Memory of Drs Susan Moore & Chaniece Wallace

A close up of the feet of someone laying on the ground


Dr. Linda Burke created this video after Dr. Chaniece Wallace’s death and before Dr. Susan Moore’s death. Both women were my sorority sisters, although I did not personally know neither one. They both died in Indiana hospital systems, which makes you wonder about patient safety in that state. Dr. Burke dedicates this video to the memory of both women who died too soon and left an irreplaceable void.

The 6 Deadly Mistakes That Contribute To Maternal Death Regarding Pre-eclampsia:

  1. Confusion about the definition of preeclampsia and proper management
  2. Not following up on lab results in a timely manner
  3. Fear of delivering patients before 39 weeks
  4. Misdiagnosing nigh blood pressure as a response to pain
  5. Sending patients home inappropriately from the emergency department
  6. Not consulting OBGYN when postpartum patient presents with a headache and high blood pressure


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