Seven Safety Tips for Pregnant Women About the Fourth of July

A group of people holding american flags on the beach.

Celebrating holidays with friends and family can be fun, and the Fourth of July is no exception. Here are seven tips pregnant women should remember as they celebrate:


  1. Don’t stuff yourself with food. Remember, digestion slows down during pregnancy.
  2. Do not swim in fresh water to avoid parasites
  3.             Drink plenty of fluids and come in from the hot sun if you feel dizzy or short of breath5.      Avoid inhaling smoke from a grill
  4. 7.      Enjoy your day with friends and family. When your happy, your unborn baby is happy too!
  5. 6.      Avoid direct exposure to loud fireworks. Sound travels through your body and reach your baby. According to CDC, exposure to loud noises could potentially damage your unborn baby’s hearing.
  6. 4.      Make certain all grilled food is well cooked before eating.


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