Preventative Measures You Should Take For Your Dental Health Before Becoming Pregnant

A woman holding her face in pain with red light coming from behind it.

This week, The Smart Mother’s Guide would like to introduce you to our guest blogger, Dr. Amanda Tavoularis:


Dr. Amanda Tavoularis has been committed to excellent dentistry for over 20 years. She studied at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and the prestigious Kois Center located in Seattle. She belongs to numerous dentistry networks include the American Dental Association and the Wellness Dentistry Network. Dr. Amanda can provide her expertise for dental care for women as well as expecting mothers. She has a son of her own and is committed to providing the most accurate information possible for patients.


Dental care is something that sometimes gets overlooked when couples decide that they want to try and become pregnant. However, it’s important to note that you and your partner’s dental health can play a big role in your chances of conceiving, especially if you are suffering from gum disease. It may take women longer to conceive if they have gum disease or other dental issues. I have been practicing dentistry for more than 20 years and as a part of my practice, I am committed to helping couples take preventative measures towards dental health before they become pregnant.

  1. Oral Care Routine

One of the best ways to prevent gum disease and other dental issues is by continuing a daily oral care routine. Not only is it important while you’re trying to conceive, but it’s important in combating disease during and after your pregnancy as well. You and your partner should implement a routine that consists of brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. If you don’t already have a routine similar to this, it’s best that you begin one before you try to become pregnant. Also, what you eat can be extremely helpful in maintaining a healthy mouth. Stay away from sugary drinks and snacks and focus on incorporating vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and dairy into your diet to help protect your teeth.

  1. Dental Visits

It’s really important that both you and your partner schedule a dental visit before trying to conceive. Your dentist will be able to uncover any dental issues you have, such as cavities or gum disease, and help you take preventative measures against them. They will also be able to give your teeth a deep cleaning and exam as well, to help you prevent tooth decay and disease before becoming pregnant.

Another reason it’s important to visit your dentist before becoming pregnant is that you can receive necessary dental x-rays.  Dental x-rays are routinely taken to make sure that the structure of your mouth is good and that you don’t have any serious dental issues. Your dentist can provide you with the necessary dental x-rays before you’re pregnant instead of having to postpone them until after your baby is born. While the radiation exposure at the dental office is extremely low, if you can, it’s best to avoid unnecessary exposure to your baby. This is both for you and your baby’s safety.

  1. Treatments

Finally, even if you have taken proper measures to prevent gum disease, you or your partner may still suffer from it. Try and schedule a time to treat your gum disease or tooth decay with your dentist before becoming pregnant. The reason for seeking treatment before conceiving is because gum disease may affect you and your partner’s fertility.  Men with poor oral health may suffer from male factor infertility so it’s crucial to get treatment right away.

Treatment for your gum disease will start by your dentist giving you a deep cleaning of your teeth and gums to help get rid of plaque and bacteria. If your gum disease does not improve, you may be prescribed antibiotics as well. For severe gum disease, it may be best for you to have a dental procedure done to help remove the bacteria. Receiving these treatments before conceiving will assure that your mouth is healthy after you become pregnant and during your pregnancy.

Deciding to start a family is a special time in your life, and it’s important for you and your partner to be as healthy as possible before conceiving. Dental care can sometimes get overlooked in this process but can have effects on your chances of conceiving. Taking preventative measures towards your oral health is the best way to help you have the healthiest mouth possible. Effective oral care routines, dental visits, and receiving dental treatments are great ways to help combat gum disease and other dental issues.


Follow Dr. Linda on Facebook | Order your copy of The Smart Mother’s Guide to a Better Pregnancy: How to Minimize Risks, Avoid Complications, and Have a Healthy Baby | Dr. Linda is a board certified Ob/Gyn and an expert in the area of pre-eclampsia and high-risk pregnancies. Contact Dr. Linda about an appearance at your next event or media placement opportunities.

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