Pregnancy and Marijuana, Cool?

A sign that says dispensary now open

No, it is not cool.

As legalization of marijuana hits the mainstream and marijuana shops start to increase in numbers, pregnant moms, beware. it is not OK to expose newborn or unborn babies to the harm associated with cannabis use, even if it falls under the heading of “legal†and “medical use.â€

What are the concerns about marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The chemicals of marijuana are stored in fat cells and can affect your baby for a long period of time

  • It can increase the risk of preterm labor and the birth of premature babies
  • It is not known how marijuana chemicals will affect the brain of an infant
  • There is no established “safe” dose

The experts want you to know that “natural is not the same as harmless.â€Â   A word of precaution to all of the healthcare professionals who are acting as “medical advisors,†in this stampede to make that first million during this marijuana gold rush: please to not peddle or market your wares to pregnant women. There are no evidence-based standards or research to validate or justify the safety of marijuana during pregnancy. Principle over profit should be the order of the day.






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