How Preeclampsia United Two Strangers

A bottle of medicine and some pills on top of a page.

May is Preeclampsia Awareness Month, which brings both sadness and joy. It is the second most common cause of maternal death, but gratefully we are a lot closer to understanding what causes it, which means we will be closer to finding a cure.

A few months ago, I was on a social media platform of a support group for pregnant women who were sharing their feelings and concerns about their high-risk condition. While I was trying to remain unobtrusive, one woman’s story was compelling. With her permission, I have included our online conversation to demonstrate that small acts of kindness can result in huge dividends for all.

Dr. Linda

Hi E – I couldn’t respond to you because they turned off the comments. I’m a member of ACOG (American College of OB GYN). Could you share your city and insurance company? Are you pregnant now? I will try to find a resource for you. While the Society of MFM is a start, it’s always good to get a personal reference if possible. Thanks for reaching out.


Elaine (name changed)

Thanks for responding. I am currently in [redacted] is my zip if that helps. My insurance is [redacted].  I read about this doctor in my area was hoping to call him on Monday


Dr. Linda

He sounds like he’s very involved in research but hopefully he is a clinician as well, meaning he still practices medicine and takes care of patients. Are you pregnant or trying to conceive? I wasn’t clear about that. Once you contact him, let me know what you think. Pregnant women are my passion. I wrote a prenatal book, it’s dated but it just demonstrates I’m serious about pregnant women. Feel free to reach out to me at any time.



Geez I didn’t even think that he might just be into research and not see patients.  Lol I suppose I have pregnancy brain at the moment. I’m 13 weeks. It’s been a LONG LONG LONG 13 weeks. I saw my OB this past week and even she looked scared lol when I left she said to me that she wants me to find a specialist because she feels my situation is too advanced for her. ????????â€â™€â€ I had my son in 2016 he was born at 34 weeks we had an emergency csection.  I felt like I did so much research during my first pregnancy and no class I took or anything I read prepared me for what I was up against.

Dr. Linda

Okay, the first thing I want you to do is stay calm. Do I have your permission to try to find a resource for you? You need to be managed by a high risk ob and I’m surprised your present OB didn’t admit you into the hospital for [redacted.}

You have a great hospital in your community. [redacted] has a great reputation. You might want to contact their OB-GYN dept and ask whether they could recommend a high risk OB Department.  They have a referral service opened from 7A to 7P. Here’s the link: [redacted]


Thank you! Yes [redacted] is great I’m so grateful for this hospital they saved my life and my sons. I have another appointment with my practice this upcoming week.


March 1, 2020

Dr. Linda

Thanks for sharing. I reached out to some colleagues and have two names of high-risk specialists you might consider calling. I do not know them personal but they are both affiliated with [redacted] and they are women. (1) Dr. [redacted] and (2) Dr. [redacted]. Your pregnancy is complicated but not impossible to treat.Elaine

Thank you so much I will contact them on Monday and see if I can get in. I really appreciate you looking those drs up.


Mar 13, 2020


Just wanted to say thank you I saw  Dr [redacted] yesterday and I am feeling so much better about this pregnancy! They are taking me on as a patient in their practice. I just wanted to thank u again for your help and advice! Send me the link to your Dr. Linda Facebook page I’d like to follow it.

Dr. Linda

I am so very happy for you and truly appreciate you giving me an update.


Yes absolutely! You can use my name is u want! I am beyond grateful for ur kindness and also for your help!



Follow Dr. Linda on Facebook | Order your copy of The Smart Mother’s Guide to a Better Pregnancy: How to Minimize Risks, Avoid Complications, and Have a Healthy Baby | Dr. Linda is a board certified Ob/Gyn and an expert in the area of pre-eclampsia and high-risk pregnancies. Contact Dr. Linda about an appearance at your next event or media placement opportunities.

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