A woman getting her covid vaccine from a doctor.

The Issue

On December 11, 2020, the FDA approved the use of a vaccine to combat the Coronavirus; however, the drug companies that developed the vaccines did not include pregnant women in their clinical trial studies.

Can Pregnant Women Receive the Vaccine Against COVID-19?

The short answer: Yes, if she is part of the 330,000 pregnant healthcare workforce that includes RNs, MDs, Nursing, psychiatric, and personal and home health aides. The vaccine will have a roll-out, and Phase 1a includes frontline healthcare professionals (HCP). Phase 1b includes healthcare workers as listed above and persons over age 65.

What About Pregnant Women Who Are Not Healthcare Professionals?


The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine “strongly recommends that pregnant women have access to COVID-19 vaccines in all phases of future vaccine campaigns and that she and her healthcare professional engage in shared decision-making regarding her receipt of the vaccine.â€


Will the Vaccine Be Safe for Pregnant Women and Their Unborn Babies?


No one knows for sure; however, studies from pregnant women who have previously taken vaccines for the Ebola virus and the flu “has an acceptable safety profile.â€

The Bottom Line:  Make a shared decision with your physician or healthcare provider after looking at all of the facts.

“Because Dr. Linda, and The Smart Mother’s Guide® cares, we want to share the knowledge and empowerment.†Please share and pass this on!



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